Have a toothache? Do your gums bleed when brushing? Let's get you better. We are here to help!
Tooth Colored Fillings
Used to prevent the spread of tooth decay or tooth fracture, a filling is just one of the ways we preserve your health. There are two different types of fillings: amalgam (otherwise known as silver fillings) and composite resin, the color of which can be customized to match your natural teeth.
At Smile Aurora Dental, we are a mercury free office and thus we do not place silver fillings. Tooth colored fillings require less removal of tooth structure and are more aesthetically pleasing in appearance.
Root Canal
Getting a root canal is not as scary as it sounds! It is important to remember that a root canal is the end of pain, not the beginning of it. A root canal therapy is indicated when a tooth is severely decayed or infected. Some signs and symptoms that a root canal is needed are: 1. lingering extreme pain to hot and cold 2. spontaneous pain 3. pain that wakes you up at night 4. swelling of the area near the tooth 5. a dark and discolored tooth
What to Expect:
We will carefully evaluate your tooth and assess if the treatment can be completed in our office. As root canal treatment varies in complexity and difficulty from patient to patient, an endodontist (a a dentist specializing in root canal therapy) may be recommended to treat your case. Whether or not you are referred to a specialist, if you are experiencing extreme pain, relieving your discomfort is our first priority. We have a variety of pain-management options to stabilize your tooth until a root a canal can be completed.
Usually, a root canal that is done in our office is completed in one visit. A thorough explanation of the procedure will be provided and care will be taken to anesthetize your tooth completely. Specific post operative instructions will be provided to you at the end of the appointment.
Post Treatment Care:
As the medication used to numb your mouth during the procedure wears off, you may feel some tenderness in the area for a few days as everything heals. It is important to follow our after care instructions to ensure a successful outcome.
In most cases, once the root canal is completed, we recommend protecting it with a porcelain crown to prevent fracture.
Crown & Bridge
Crowns are full-coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break or is too damaged to be corrected with a tooth filling. By covering the tooth 360 degrees, the crown acts as a helmet and protects the tooth from further breaking down. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials including: gold, porcelain fused to metal, and full porcelain.
A bridge is a way to replace lost tooth/teeth. The neighboring teeth on either side of the missing area are fitted with crowns and are connected to each other to restore the missing space. This fixture is typically made of porcelain fused to metal and can be an alternative option for an implant.
What to Expect:
A crown or bridge treatment usually takes a minimum of two visits. The first visit consists of preparing the tooth or teeth. Then, a digital impression of the area will be scanned to send to the dental laboratory. If choosing a porcelain restoration, a shade guide will be used to find a color that best matches your teeth. A temporary restoration will be placed at the end of your appointment. At your second appointment, the final restoration will be tried in and checked for fit, color, and form. Once you approve of the restoration, the crown or bridge will be permanently cemented using a resin or glass ionomer cement.
Deep Cleaning
Some patients may require more than a routine cleaning. Scaling and root planing, or a deep cleaning, is the removal of soft or hardened plaque from under the gum line. This facilitates gum healing and prevents the spread of gum disease. This gum disease is where the supporting structures of teeth are compromised, which may result in bone loss and loose teeth.
What to Expect:
At your initial appointment, a periodontal assessment will be completed. This consists of a full mouth pocket depth measurement, and notations of any areas of bleeding, tooth mobility, and gum recession. A full set of x-rays will also be analyzed to check for the presence of calculus (hardened tooth plaque) and to evaluate your overall bone height. We will use this information to determine the best course of treatment for you.
A deep cleaning consists of a minimum of two visits (right and left side) with each visit lasting around 45 minutes. After full local anesthesia is achieved, we use a ultrasonic piezo scaler with the assistance of laser therapy as a non-surgical treatment. The goal is to remove as much debris underneath the gums as possible and disrupt/destroy the bacterial proliferation in order to reattach the gums to the tooth structure. Once your deep cleaning is completed, a medicated rinse and/or a low dose of antibiotic regime that promotes tissue attachment may be prescribed to you.
Your recall will consist of an appointment in three months (this is critical!) to assess improvement in pocket depth reduction and overall health of tissue. It is suggested to stay on a three-four month recall for periodontal maintenance until the bacteria is removed, your home care has improved, and pockets have stabilized to a manageable depth.
Missing teeth can make your cheeks look hollow and your mouth look sunken. More importantly, your diet can suffer. Depending on the amount of teeth missing, we may suggest a removable replacement of a partial or full dentures. During your consultation, we’ll assess all your options and you can choose what you feel most comfortable with.
Partial dentures are ideal for those who are missing only a few teeth. They latch onto the remaining gum line and any intact adjacent teeth. When your dental arch no longer has any teeth, a complete denture is the optimal solution. You can choose the traditional kind that latches to the gum line or choose to have dentures that are anchored by dental implants. The latter option has the best hold, but involves surgery. We are happy to discuss all the details with you so that you can make an informed decision.
When decay has gone deep enough or when a periodontal disease has advanced enough to warrant an extraction, the entire tooth, including the root, is removed. The dental implant is a titanium root that is surgically placed into your jawbone. It mimics the form and function of a natural tooth. Once the root heals, we connect it to a crown. The crown is the visible part of your tooth that is used to chew food. This implant crown is customized to match your bite and the color of your teeth.
What to Expect
After administering local anesthesia, the implant will be carefully inserted into the bone. Once the area is healed, at the three month mark, a test will be done on the implant to ensure that the implant has osseointegrated (fused to bone) properly. At this stage, a healing cap will be attached to the implant to connect the implant to the gum surface. This helps to prepare the area for the final crown.
Next, the healing cap is removed and a putty impression is made of your implant. The healing cap will then be replaced and your next visit will be in two weeks for the final insertion of your crown. At the final visit, the healing cap will be once again removed and a custom abutment (the connector that connects the titanium implant to the crown) will be delivered along with the implant crown to complete your treatment.
We make every effort to preserve your natural teeth. However, an extraction is necessary when decay has made the tooth unsalvageable or when you have an advanced periodontal disease. When a tooth is malformed, damaged, impacted or ingrown, different procedures are used, but all extractions are considered surgery. Depending on which tooth is removed, we can offer you a replacement in the form of a dental implant or oral prosthetic.
What to Expect
We will begin by making sure the area of extraction is fully anesthetized. During the procedure, you will feel pressure due to the loosening of the tooth, but no sharp pain should be felt. To ensure optimal healing and preservation of bone structure, a bone graft is highly recommended during the time of procedure.
At the end of your appointment, a detailed set of post operative instructions will be provided to you both verbally and in written form. It is imperative that the instructions be followed, as careful aftercare plays a critical role in optimal healing of the extraction site.
Dental Emergency
Do you have a dental emergency? Are you experiencing pain? Please contact us and we will do our absolute best to squeeze you into that day’s schedule.